Encouraging habitual strategic thinking maybe the most important thing you can do as a leader. Strategic thinking is difficult to teach and learn because it is as much a mindset as a set of techniques. Incorporate these practices to cultivate strategic thinkers:
When people approach you with a problem, insist they also come to you with a solution.
Make AWE part of your coaching vocabulary. AWE stands for, "And what else?" This question encourages more in-depth thinking.
Urge people to ask “why” and “when.” Whenever considering a course of action, these questions enable people to fully understand the goal it aims to achieve and its impact.
Mandate managers set aside time for strategic planning. Make it a regular part of their job.
Connect managers with mentors who excel at strategic thinking.
Keep people informed about what is happening in your organization and your industry. Thinking beyond their silo will help elevate their thinking beyond the day-to-day.